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Friday, December 13, 2013

7 Best Pet Tattoos

Funny Indian Pics Presents 7 Best Pet tattoos

Pets are the most adorable and lovable additions to our homes. The massive amount of internet traffic based around pet photos testifies to the human connection to our pets! But for some owners, their pets are much more than just personal living companions, or members of the family - they become the all-important center of their worlds. These pet-owners are often so devoted to their pets that they have memorials built for them -  from simple scultpures and paintings to the famous case of the man who made a temple in memory of his beloved late pet dog. But here we will cover a growing, and creative new trend that has emerged - Pet Tattoos! We profile 10 such people who have taken the bold, loving and colourful step of creating life-like renditions of their beloved pets in tattoo form!
Hairless Cat
The famous hairless cat is known to be a love-it-or-hate-it kind of pet, and there's no prizes for guessing which way the following pet owner swings on that question!
Creative Pets Tattoos

Beautiful Bulldog
This very special bulldog, appropriately named "Truck" is rendered beautifully by the artist in this tattoo.
Creative Pets Tattoos

Minimalist Cat Tattoo
Simple, effective, not overly-bold, but gets the message accross.
Creative Pets Tattoos

We can only imagine how adorable "Sara" would have been were she still alive. A beautiful tribute to what is obvious a beloved pet.
Creative Pets Tattoos

Sphynx Cat

The shadows around the cat are to cover a good scar that had the girl. Health, Art and Rock 'n' Roll!
Creative Pets Tattoos

This adorable dog, is immortalised, and rendered with oodles of creative flair in this next piece.
Creative Pets Tattoos

Majestic Boxer
Done by the tattoo artists MissNio in Berlin, she achieves an amazing matte finished airbrushed effect on the tattoo of this boxer.
Creative Pets Tattoos

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